I'm an Independent who votes the Democratic ballot based on its history, principles and traditions. It's a vote that demands I keep my voice alive and "out there"... not falling into "silence is complicity"... not letting my responsibilities stop with the one act of voting.
This year, the Republicans had a roster of candidates that filled our hearts with dread -- Gingrich, Santorum, Paul, Romney, Huntsman, Bachman. We face extreme politics that could strip away everything I value -- public education, women's rights, single payer health care, environmental safeguards, conservation, a social agenda that protects (in deed not only mouth) the civil rights of everyone in this country.
January 19: Real Heroes. This lady, a widow from northern New Hampshire, refuses to sell her farm to the Northern Pass Project. Northern Pass is offering huge, inflated sums of money to create high-tower transmission lines from the Canadian border to Groveton. There are no existing Right-of-Ways to this point, so Northern Pass thinks it can buy out local landowners. This private venture promises big money to landowners in a poor part of the state.
She lives on a farm that's been in her husband's family for generations. She doesn't want to sell it to Northern Pass for many reasons. Her grandson wants to farm it again. She loves where she lives. She doesn't in believe this project -- or its tactics of threatening eminent domain and turning family members against one another.
After she said, No, she had legal expenses. She became dragged into controversy. But today, she's recognized for the heroine she is. The Northern Pass Opposition held a fundraiser and turned over a check to help her with those legal fees and other expenses.
This is what freedom and choice and doing the right thing is all about.
January 25. New Hampshire State Senate Votes and strengthens the law protecting landowner rights. The final tally was 23 in favor and 1 opposed. But it was no easy victory.
HB 648 needed to pass. Without it, Northern Pass would have an easier time taking the land it wants for its transmission lines. Even with this new law, the lobbyists and influence-hucksters will simply turn their attention to other avenues -- federal regulators, their friends in the courts and on regulatory committees, their lawyers, who knows...
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Can you spot the lobbyists? The landowners? |
Here in the gallery, we are carefully shielded from the Senators' eyes. The space is full: the orange of opposition, the sleek black of power, lawyers on Smartphones (making luncheon dates with lobbyists), and older residents of the North Country who left homes and farms before dawn to be a presence here.
Here's my message to the Senate: "I'm not paid by anyone to buy or influence your vote. I'm one of the people you represent. Let's not forget that. It's simple, back to basics. Politics 101."